paradas pasadas do's don'ts

Paradas-Pasadas & Embellishments – Do’s & Don’ts – MiniPractice#59

Paradas-Pasadas & Embellishments – Do’s & Don’ts

In Argentine Tango, the parada (stop) and pasada (passing step) are key moments that create beautiful, dramatic connections between partners. For the follower, these elements require precision, awareness, and an understanding of how to move with the lead while maintaining balance, elegance, and musicality. It is also the perfect occasion to add embellishments, adornos and a touch of personal expression. In this video, we’ll explore the do’s and don’ts of paradas and pasadas from the follower’s perspective, focusing on how to execute these movements with style and confidence.

When the lead initiates a parada, the follower’s role is to pause in the right place, maintaining a strong, stable base while staying connected to the lead’s energy. Similarly, during a pasada, the follower must navigate a passing step with fluidity. Getting these moments right adds a layer of elegance and precision to your tango, but it requires both technique and sensitivity to the music and your partner.

In this video, we’ll cover:

  • Do’s: How to embrace the parada and pasada with clarity and balance, while staying present in the connection with your partner.
  • Don’ts: Common mistakes to avoid, such as misplacing your weight, losing connection, or not fully responding to the lead’s signals.
  • Embellishments: How to add subtle embellishments during paradas and pasadas—without disrupting the flow—enhancing your movement with flair and musicality.

This video will help you deepen your understanding of the parada and pasada while teaching you how to make these powerful moments your own, adding grace, control, and artistic expression to your tango

New online tango courses
New online tango courses courses coming soon ! Working hard to present you new series of online tango courses. You will, of course find my flagship program: bata online. a 50+ classes general program. I am also planning some shorter and more specific courses like musicality, balance, adornos etc … I will let you know as soon are the first …